
Resume Basics

Fundamentally, a resume is a tool that should sell your skills and education to the employer. It is an advertisement of who you are in terms of your competencies, accomplishments, and future capabilities. You don’t have to write hundreds of resumes to know what works best. But what you do need to know is what key information needs to be included and how you can capture the employers attention.

From the applicant’s perspective, resumes are supposed to help get interviews which can lead to job offers. From the employer’s perspective, resumes are supposed to communicate value and what the applicant will do for them.

Keep in mind employers are not seeking to hire your history – they want to know your capabilities and competencies.

When writing a resume, always remember that you are advertising yourself for an interview and not the job. Job offers usually only come after the interview. An effective resume should make the employer want to meet you in person to discuss your qualifications.

An articulate, clear resume, presented using simple layout techniques, printed on good quality paper, and easily shared electronically can be your ticket to an interview invitation.

Here you will find templates and tips on how to compose your resume as well as some advice on how to prepare for, conduct and follow up on your interview.

However, after completing your resume draft, it is always a good idea to get feedback from at least a few others. We invite you to contact one of our qualified Staffing Managers for your resume review.

Below is a link to a basic resume template in Word format.
If you do not have a resume started feel free to use the template as a guide.
Again, our professional Staffing Managers are here to assist.

Click Here – Resume Template/a>